15 Phrases Step Children Long to Hear


15 Phrases Step Children Long to Hear

  1. I love spending time with you.
  2. I’ll never forget the day you I met you
  3. I like you!
  4. You are so beautiful/handsome!
  5. You are a great friend!
  6. You’ll make a wonderful wife/husband some day!
  7. Thanks for cleaning your room.
  8. You did a great job.
  9. You teach me so much about life.
  10. You’re so strong!
  11. I can always count on you.
  12. I trust you.
  13. You are God’s special gift to me.
  14. You light up my day.
  15. My favorite part of the week is when you come to visit

Want more in-depth help communicating with your step children? The blended family counselors at The Center for Family Unity can help. Contact us today to schedule a free 20 minute consultation.

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