How To Show Your Spouse You Love Them


You may think that marriage is the ultimate show of love, but it’s still a relationship that requires constant work. If you’ve been having trouble showing your spouse how much you love and support them, we’ve got some tips for bringing that connection back to your marriage.

  • Learn your spouse’s love language.
  • Treat your spouse with respect even when you disagree.
  • Be your spouse’s best friend.
  • Never criticize or treat your spouse with contempt – especially in front of others.
  • Speak highly of them – especially in front of others.
  • Learn to resolve conflict gently.
  • Don’t air dirty laundry with friends and family.
  • Replace negative behaviors with positive changes.
  • Learn how to forgive.

Do you want to learn how to better love your spouse? Contact The Center For Family Unity.

How To Talk So Kids Will Listen

Parents: Are you frustrated because your kids aren’t listening to you? You’re not alone. You just need to learn how to talk, so your kids will listen. Try this:

1. Approach your children with the same respect you expect them to give you.

2. Learn to listen in a way that invites your children to speak up.

3. Put yourself in your child’s shoes. Empathize with them.

4. Allow your child to have their own opinion.

5. Don’t interrupt your child.

6. Stay calm. Your children will react to your mood and emotions.

7. Stay positive. Positive reinforcement is more effective than negative reinforcement.

8. Approach your children with love and grace. Don’t react out of anger.

9. Remember each child is different and has different needs.

10. Stay focused. Don’t talk to your children while doing other things.

For more help communicating with your children, contact The Center for Family Unity.

How To Respond To A Child With A Negative Attitude


Negative attitudes can be hard to deal with, especially when they’re coming from your own child. We’ve got some ways to help you cope with your child’s behavior.

  1. Check your own behavior and attitude. Your children may be mirroring you.
  2. Allow your children to experience the natural consequences of their attitude.
  3. Take advantage of teachable moments.
  4. Recognize them when they have a positive attitude.
  5. Challenge negative comments by inviting them to express how they feel again in a respectful manner.

To learn more about how to successfully communicate with your children, contact The Center For Family Unity.

How To Fix A Marriage

A red heart broken with threaded stitches

Are you wondering how to fix a broken marriage?  Are you feeling the sting of your mate’s criticism too frequently? Does your mate seem to make statements that indicate contempt for you as a person? Are the two of you involved in the “Blame Game,” bickering about which one of you is really at fault for the problems you are having?   Are you furious that your mate “stonewalls” every attempt you make resolve conflict, and often refuses to even make eye contact?

Be encouraged! The destructive behaviors described are unfortunately all too common,


and have been well researched in clinical studies. The good news is that the most important findings from Dr. Gottman’s 35 years of research on troubled unions can be used to fix a marriage headed for divorce.

Dr. Gottman refers to the negative behavior patterns described in the opening paragraph as, “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.” These behaviors predict early divorcing – an average of 5.6 years after the wedding, with amazing accuracy.  The four behaviors identified in his research are:

  • Criticism: stating one’s complaints as a defect in one’s partner’s personality; giving the partner negative trait attributions. Example: “You always talk about yourself. You are so selfish.”
  • Contempt: statements that come from a relative position of superiority. Contempt is the greatest predictor of divorce and must be eliminated. Example: “You’re an idiot.”
  • Defensiveness: self-protection in the form of righteous indignation or innocent victim-hood. Defensiveness wards off a perceived attack. Often develops as a result of or reaction to contempt. Example: “It’s not my fault that we’re always late; it’s your fault.”
  • Stonewalling: emotional withdrawal from interaction. Example: The listener does not give the speaker the usual nonverbal signals that the listener is “tracking” with the speaker. Emotional withdrawal and anger predict later divorcing – an average of 16.2 years after the wedding.

Dr. Gottman summarizes two key findings about happily married couples as follows:

  1. Happily married couples behave like good friends and resolve their conflicts in gentle, positive ways.
  2. Happily married couples are able to repair negative interactions during an argument and can process negative emotions fully.

The answer to the question “How to fix a marriage?” requires a couple to learn effective ways to resolve conflict. No marriage is conflict free, but how couples process or manage conflict is a key factor in the longevity of their marriage.  Dr. Gottman’s research points out that the more likely a person is to enter into “fight or flight” mode during a conflict, “the more his or her marital satisfaction is likely to decline during a period of three years.” The inability to manage conflict has terrible consequences for your physical and mental health, and your satisfaction in your marriage.

relationship difficulties: young couple having a fight

If you and your spouse communicate primarily with criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling, you might benefit from reading one of Dr. Gottman’s books. The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work or  Why Marriages Succeed or Fail…and How You Can Make Yours last.    Reading these books can help you make sense of your current experience, and encourage you to learn skills that help to fix a marriage.

The adage “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me” is not true for most people. Angry, thoughtless, vindictive words destroy the underpinnings of marriage.  When words have penetrated deeply, there is a need to learn how to forgive the unforgivable comments that have wounded a spouse’s very essence.

The counselors at The Center for Family Unity are experienced in teaching couples how to resolve conflict in gentle, positive ways.  Call today at 619-884-0601 to make an appointment to fix your marriage, and make The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse a thing of the past.

When Should I Seek Counseling For My Marriage?


If you’re seeing any of these 11 red flags, it’s probably time to look into marriage counseling.

  1. Your communication patterns are negative and hurtful
  2. You speak poorly to others about your spouse
  3. You repeat heated arguments about unresolved issues
  4. You daydream about having an affair
  5. You keep a list of grievances—and refuse to forgive
  6. You are no longer attracted to your spouse and lack sexual intimacy
  7. You wonder if your marriage was a mistake
  8. You prefer to spend time with anyone other than your spouse
  9. You disagree on money, work, and/or parenting
  10. You don’t trust your spouse
  11. You feel like you’ve exhausted your efforts to improve your relationship

Are you ready and willing to work on fixing your marriage? Contact The Center For Family Unity today to learn how we can help you.